Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Philippine outsourcing benefits

The management that the Philippine outsourcing company brings, in managing the operations, putting in place health and safety procedures and seeking to see how you can continuously improve that operation cannot always be guaranteed by an employment centers. Another key differentiation between Philippine outsourcing company and an employment agency would be the fact that any personnel taken through the outsourcing company would remain employed by the Philippine outsourcing company, whereas any staff taken through an employment center are then, in the eyes of the law, employed by the company taking them on.

The benefits to be expected from Philippine outsourcing would depend on what the specific objectives and goals the client was hopping to achieve as part of the business outsourcing process. Some of the more typical outsourcing benefits would be productivity improvement, changing working practices, improvement in through put, the ability to have a flexible and fluctuating work power in line with changes in production, value minimization of employment liability and risks. This should result in an improvement in costs, improvements in overall delivery and service to the end customers, improvements in stock holding and quality. It can be a wide range of benefits depending on the specific goal the client was trying to achieve.

These Philippine outsourcing benefits would be measured in the same way the corporate company would normally measure the performance of their business relations. So it would be against key performance indicators whether that be stock turnover, cost per unit, delivery performance, customer service, productivity measures, time, attendance etc. so there will be key performance indicators set as part of the service measure agreement and a professional outsource provider would be monitoring and checking these on timely basis against the service level agreement.


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