Thursday, May 28, 2009

Types of Philippine Outsourcing

Some common examples of Philippine Outsourcing include IT support services, telemarketing services, manufacturing components, order processing, phone answering services and customer support services that basically offered in a call center.

Types of Outsourcing:

Outsourcing can be divided into two major categories. These are Business Process Outsourcing ( BPO) and the other one is Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO).

BPO was coined in the year 1995 and was accelerated by the expansion of online business. It is the process of hiring a service provider which would handle the business activities of the client corporate company.

These are some of the basic BPO services which are outsourced: Human resource services, Customer support services, Telemarketing, Database management, Back office functions, IT help desk services, Accounting services, Web development, Content writing, Market research, Manufacturing and many others.

Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO): This is also known as technology outsourcing services. This can be defined as a high value added process chain which depends on factors like skills, experience and domain knowledge. Generally KPO is carried out by staff who have certain expertise in that particular area.

KPO typically involves the component of BPO, Analysis process outsourcing (APO) and Research process outsourcing (RPO)

Some of the common KPO services are : Research and development, Learning solutions, Medical services, Data analytics, Animation and simulation services, Intellectual property research, Business and technical analysis, Litigation services, Network management, Software development and many others.


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